Friday, 22 July 2016

H3 Dynamics: Providing Futuristic Robotic Technologies and Unmatched Energy Solutions

The research and development in the field of robotics, field communications and internet has blessed humanity with devices and technology that have greatly simplified complex work processes. Fruitful innovations are taking place every day in every corner of the world. Likewise, the development of ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’ (UAV) or ‘Drones’ is a recent innovation that has enhanced the process of remote handling, control and management of various activities. They have increased the scope of tasks like surveillance, search and rescue, security and inspections apart from being used in aerial photography and research purposes for science that involve collecting information from a considerable height.

H3 Dynamics, is a Singaporean company that provides advanced robotics and energy solutions and has come up with a revolutionary product called the Drone box that takes the concept of the ‘Internet of Things’ and creates its own ‘Internet of Drones’ which enables easy operation and control of various industrial processes and security purposes. This autonomously operating machine can work without a skilled UAV operator, which in-turn reduces hiring costs for companies. It also involves minimum monitoring. It’s easy to deploy from both land and sea, making it the perfect tool for off-shore and on-shore inspections, infrastructure inspections, and policing services like border patrols and security surveillance.

The highly efficient Dronebox developed by the scientific research team of H3 Dynamics comes with an off-grid powered base station which runs on solar energy and utilizes stationary fuel cell power systems that automatically charges the unit and has enough capacity to charge it for lifetime. It is also designed to be sensor agnostic, which means it can serve a wide range of sensors like LiDAR, 3D Cameras, NDVI and, Radar, which helps extend its use to agriculture and mining industries.

The company H3 Dynamics has two functional units. Both have their separate line of products and work in perfect harmony to bring the world new innovations and technological solutions. The part of the company that takes care of the UAV is HUS Unmanned Systems. The other half is HES energy systems, and it takes care of energy storage technologies ,like fuel cells, solar energy solutions, batteries, and system integration. An excellent example of an HES product is their state-of-the-art extreme mobile power supply, which is 6 times smaller and 8 times lighter than any other unit that provides the same of equal amount of energy. It has the option of swappable cartridges, each of which can power up for 72 hours, making it ideal for use for soldiers who have to stay on fields for long hours without any other source of power.

For more details, visit

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